How to white list in PenTeleData Webmail (updated for 2022)

Email is an essential communication tool and nearly everyone has an email address (or three), but it’s ubiquitous nature makes it a popular target for unsolicited marketing messages, also known as spam. To combat this, email providers utilize sophisticated filters that attempt to sort the legitimate email (ham) from the unwanted messages (spam).

Spam filtering is an excellent tool email providers use to help manage the unending flow of unwanted email messages sent every day. Often, this process happens silently behind the scenes, but the process can become very apparent when you don’t receive a message you need. As good as spam filters are, mistakes can be made.

To keep your inbox clean from unwanted emails and to help protect you against malicious messages, PenTeleData uses spam filtering from SpamAssasin, a third-party drop-in solution. When messages go to the spam/junk folder, or when you want to make sure future messages don’t end up in junk, there’s a couple things you can do: mark messages as not junk and manually add the sender’s email address to your white list (or list of allowed senders). We’ll discuss these in more detail below.

Mark a message as not junk

Suspect spam messages are sorted into your junk folder. If a message you’re expecting to receive doesn’t arrive in your inbox after a few minutes, the junk folder is the first place you should look for that message. You should routinely review your junk mail folder to see if legitimate mail ends up there by mistake. If you find a message in your junk mail folder that should’t be there, you can mark it as not junk to move the message to your inbox and train the filter to allow messages from that sender in the future.

  1. Login to PenTeleData Webmail from a computer
  2. Go to your Junk folder
  3. Find and select the desired message
  4. Select the Not Junk button at the top

The message will be moved to your Inbox and future messages from that sender will not be sent to junk.

Note: If you select Not Junk by mistake or on the wrong message, you can simply select Junk again on that message to send it back to junk and block messages from that sender.

Add an email address to the allowed list

If you’re expecting to receive an important message from a specific sender or otherwise want to preemptively ensure messages from a specific sender never end up in the junk folder, you can add the sender’s email address to your “allowed” list.

  1. Login to PenTeleData Webmail from a computer
  2. Select Preferences from the top navigation menu
  3. Select Mail from the left navigation menu
    Mail preferences selection in Zimbra webmail
  4. Scroll down to the Spam Mail Options section
  5. Under Allow messages from enter the sender’s email address or domain and select the Add button
    Whitelist spam options in Zimbra webmail
  6. Select the Save button
    Zimbra webmail save button

Now messages from that single sender or whole domain will be routed to your inbox and never the junk folder.

For more help


If you need more help receiving email messages as a PenTeleData WebMail user, visit the PenTeleData customer Help Desk.


If you’re an email sender having trouble sending email to PenTeleData ( recipients, visit the PenTeleData postmaster RBL information page.

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